That moment when you walk into a home and immediately know, “this is the one,” is a wonderful feeling. You may have searched for years to find the right place or maybe this is the first home you’ve toured. Either way, you have that sparkle in your eye and are already redecorating, painting the walls, and hanging up pictures. It’s simple to see what isn’t there and imagine that life you’re about to start. What isn’t simple to see is what is right there under your nose. Reale state investors like Paul Daneshrad are extremely knowledgeable about the things that home buyers are looking for in a new home – and what they’re looking to avoid.

The Most Important Step When Buying Your Home


You may think that a homeowner would be aware of a family of raccoons in an attic, mice in the basement, or carpenter ants in the kitchen. You’d be surprised how often these issues aren’t disclosed to buyers. It’s not always that the homeowner is trying to hide these details, sometimes they’re just overlooked.

Electrical and Plumbing

A home inspector will test all the outlets and faucets, as well as inspect the hot water heater. It will give you a good idea if there are certain rooms with ongoing issues in electrical or plumbing and how much it would cost to get them fixed.

Foundation and Construction

These could be more serious issues but they too can be overlooked. Sometimes a crack in the wall is just a crack, other times it leads to trouble that could cost thousands of dollars to fix. A home inspector will know the difference and put your fears to rest.

Go in with Your Eyes Open

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot before you even open the door. Paul Daneshrad has seen it all. Home inspections open your eyes to problems that aren’t just quick fixes, they reveal long-standing issues with a home and damage that could be recurring. Whether you decide to get out of the deal and find a new home or repair the damage and start fresh, you’ll know what you’re dealing with. Make sure to take the time to get a home inspection (it usually only takes 1-3 hours) and start off on the right foot in your new home.